Our Services

Independence - Productivity - Integration
Lauderdale County

Tipton County

Day Services

  • Facility Based

    Facility Based Day Services may be provided in a facility setting only when selected by a person supported who needs time limited pre-vocational training, when such training is not available on the job site, and to persons who, through their person-centered planning process choose to participate in a facility based program in order to focus on the development of individualized and specific skills that will support them in pursuing and achieving employment and/or community living goals.  Facility-based day services allow for opportunities for all persons supported to be engaged in the broader community when appropriate and are specified in the person-centered ISP.

  • Community Based

    Community-based Day Services are designed such that the person spends the majority of his/her time, while participating in this service, actively engaged in activities in the community. Support is provided to assist with the acquisition of skills in the following areas: leisure activities and community/public events, utilizing community resources (e.g. public transportation), acquiring and maintaining employment, educational activities, hobbies, unpaid work experiences (e.g. volunteer opportunities), and maintaining contact with family and friends.

  • Supported Employment

    Individualized services and supports selected by the person supported, that help the person to seek employment and work in competitive integrated settings abased on his or her individualized needs and preferences and as reflected in the person-centered ISP, and to acquire, retain, or improve skills in the area of self-care, sensory/motor development, socialization, daily living skills, and communication, in order to pursue and achieve his or her personal employment.  All individual employment goals and objectives, along with needed supports are established through the person-centered planning process and documented in the person-centered ISP and shall include opportunities to seek employment and work in competitive integrated settings, as applicable based on the needs and preferences of the individual.  Employment Supports can be provided individually or in a small group capacity.

Personal Assistance

Personal Assistance is a type of service, selected by the person supported, offering individualized services and supports that enable the person to live in the community in a setting of their choice and which supports each person’s independence, rights, and full inclusion in the community; and ensures each resident’s choice and rights.  All individual goals and objectives, along with needed supports shall be established through the person-centered planning process and documented in the person-centered ISP and shall include opportunities to seek employment and work in competitive integrated settings, engage in community life, and control personal resources, as applicable based on the needs and preferences of the individual.

Our services are primarily funded by the Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Waivers which are administered by the federal government through Medicaid and by the state of Tennessee. These are long-term care programs that serve or support individuals at home and in their communities.

If you are already approved by the state for Waiver Services, you may request services from HRTADC through your contacts at DIDD.

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